Facial Bleaching
Everyone desires to have smooth glowing skin with no dark spots, wrinkles and freckles. Bleaching helps to eliminate these unwanted dark spots that gives you a boring look. Main factor is that there are complications in selecting the right one.
Types of bleaches
Powdered bleach- this is done by adding bleaching powder with liquid hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.
Cream bleach - This is available at any drugstore or at chemist shops and used in most of the beauty parlors.
How should you use?
Decide for what reason you are using for,
- Elimination of dark spot, freckles
- Skin brightening
If it is for eliminating dark spot and freckles then bleaches should be applied only to that area of dark spots and freckles. Use powdered bleach.
If it is for Skin brightening use a cream bleach so that you can widespread on your face.
If you do not have a defined area (i.e. if freckles and spots are wide spread) then it is safer to use cream bleach.
Bleaching should not be continued for long period, it should be stopped when the desired things are achieved. Otherwise, you may end up with dangerous results. It is dangerous only when you overdo the procedure, just like anything else.
Homemade bleaches are always a better choice over the chemical formulations.
Homemade Facial bleaches
Lime and honey are the best natural bleaches.
The following homemade bleaches can be used once in a week.
Lemon Juice and Honey Bleach
1. 1 tablespoon of Honey
1 ½ tablespoon of cream
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
Mix the above ingredients well and apply on your face. Let it dry and then rinse off with lukewarm water.
Turmeric and Rosewater Bleach
2. Pinch of turmeric
Few drops of lime juice
Few drops of rosewater
Mix the above ingredients well and apply on your face. Let it dry and then rinse off with lukewarm water.
Milk and Lemon Bleach
3. 2 tablespoon of milk
1 tablespoon of lemon
Combine the above ingredients well; the output will be in the form of paste, rub the paste on face gently. Let it dry and then rinse off with lukewarm water.
SandelWood Powder and Tomato Juice Bleach
4. 2 tablespoon of Sandalwood powder
2 tablespoon Lemon juice
2 tablespoon Cucumber juice
1 tablespoon Tomato juice
Mix the above ingredients well and apply on your face. Let it dry and then rinse off with lukewarm water.