Beauty Makeup
Size Zero Diet Page
Taking care, here doesn’t mean to sleep all the time, sleeping more than 9 hours in-fact makes you obese. Bathing twice a day and washing your hair twice a week purifies you as much as possible. Spreading positive vibes, thinking positively makes you healthier, stress-free. Going for long time walks and jogging lets you sweat out which eventually reduces the fat in your body. This starts shaping your belly, where your size zero starts working.
Vegetables and fruits that are highly rich are what that makes your routine work. There is no point having a pizza and proudly shouting that I had vegetables today, it seriously does not make any sense. If you feel tempted to junk foods like pizza, burger, fries, etc throw them away from your refrigerator and replace them with eggs, veggies and fruits. Make salads out of these which no one can afford you. Get into the new craze and get rid of that junky craze. If you are out of control and want to have something carving, make corn on toast by self. You just need a few slices of bread, white cheese and corn.
It is advisable to have 8 glasses of water per day. Not just 8, you can also have more. Drinking water does not mean drinking only water; it can be through any liquid means. As in, fresh juice, fruits, tea or coffee or any hygienic beverage can be taken too. This keeps you always fresh and energizing, it keeps your skin glowing and you always feel happy for the way you look. It becomes equal, you sweat and intake water. Perfect rule, for a perfect shape .
Following these golden rules, you will be the person whom you always wanted to be! You will also become healthier and fit