Beauty Tips
Natural tips:
Aloe gel: remedy for burns
Natural Moisturizer: Avocado, Honey
Blackheads: Nuts
Smooth skin: Coconut Milk, Yogurt, Oatmeal
Skin Cleanser: Yogurt
Skin Pores: Honey, Nuts
Skin Nourishment: Milk
Skin scrub: Fenugreek seeds
Dry Skin: Olive oil
Soft Skin: Oranges , Lemons, Pineapple, Vinegar
Skin Bleach: Yogurt, Honey, Oranges , Lemons, Pineapple
Dark circles under eyes and wrinkles: Cucumber, Nuts
Astringent: Honey, Oranges , Lemons, Pineapple
Skin Conditioner: Egg white for normal and oily skin, Egg yolk for dry skin
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Here are various tips for you