7 Tricks for best lipstick ever

A fresh coat of lipstick can do so much to your overall look. Helping you carry yourself with an appearance that you wish, it revamps your entire look. As a woman, anyone will know the power of a coat of lipstick that can have on your self esteem, but are you getting the best look applying your favorite lipstick? Majority of people say NOPE! Here's how!!! Read on…. Here are some tricks for getting your best lipstick look ever.
- When you've applied a lip color, know how to use your lips for the color to stay a longer time i.e. till evening or night. As a replacement for putting your lips and smacking on the edge of the cup, go with straws. The less exposure of your lips to things will ensure that the color stays long.
- Avoid lipstick bleeding by applying concealer around the border of your lips.
- While applying, avoid lipstick on the teeth. In order to ensure that your lipstick doesn't stick to your teeth, position your freshly painted lips around your fingers and gently pull your finger out. By doing so, you can remove all of the excess lip color onto your finger rather than on your teeth.
- Many wish to have plump lips, some will have it by birth and some will use fillers to have that look. To achieve this type of look you need to apply liner just outside your natural lip line. After doing that you need to dab a bit of gloss in the middle of your bottom lip and smack lips together. This will give a plump up look in seconds.
- As you turn older, the creamier your lipstick should be, this is because as we age, our lips starts to thin out. Hence, you should avoid matte and gloss, preferring a lipstick that is creamier.
- Many follow certain steps to apply lipstick, thinking that it will give away a long-lasting and right look. This is an utter misconception, as far as applying lipstick is concerned; go with the method that works best for you. Some make use of brushes while others apply with hands. On the other hand, some start applying on one portion of the lip i.e. they will start in the centre and bring it to the outer area while other start with the outer area and end it up with middle portion. Where you start and end your lipstick application doesn't matter and it is personal preference.
- Soften the lines with the help of lip liner. When you are done with it, mark out your finger over it to soften the line. For a bolder look you can make use of a liner that is less dark than your skin tone, this will help you achieve that bold look.