Better Skin Care through Hydration
For centuries people have been trying to improve the quality and appearance of their skin as they progressively age. Over time the external elements that surround us have a way of eroding and degrading that very quality and appearance.
The sun is one of the strongest factors working externally on our skin as is the wind and the very atmosphere that surrounds us. Certainly people have been advised of the dangers of the elements and what they can do to avoid overexposure.
Yet, left in the wake of the campaigns to promote awareness of the dangers of the sun and external factors is the notion that most people live out their lives dangerously under hydrated.
Dehydration of the body results in a breakdown of all of the bodies' systems and the skin is no exception. There are all kinds of reasons for a body to become dehydrated but household conditions and lack of personal awareness are some of the leading factors. Low humidity, high thermostat settings, exposure to rubbing alcohol and other caustic domestic substances can all lead to a body that is perpetually dehydrated.
Certainly an increase in the amount of water intake will help out with a body's over all humidity level but reducing as many externally draining substances that surround us will certainly help. It will absolutely assist us with not having to increase our water intake considerably.
In addition to the dehydrating substances that we surround ourselves with there is also the dehydrating substances that we take in. Alcohol and caffeinated beverages are exceptionally damaging to a body's overall effort to remain adequately hydrated. However, everyday people consume these substances, ignorant of the damage and backpedaling it does to the body. As a result, citizens at large slap lotion all over the outsides of themselves or seek radical cosmetic surgery treatments and techniques, such as Botox or skin tucks, to eliminate the appearance of their damaged skins all the while continuing to suck down unnatural amounts of coffee or soda.
A simple regimen of daily hydration, including lots of water and all natural juices, will ultimately lead to long lasting and healthy appearing skin. Elimination of dehydrating substance consumption and from the space around us can work wonders for total body function but most importantly a hearty skin appearance.