Sensitive skin and natural home recipies
Defining Sensitive Skin:
What exactly is sensitive skin and who is most likely to have it? Dermatologists define it is a skin that doesn't easily tolerate baring to the elements that most skin types can withstand. "People with truly sensitive skin which can be easily irritated by many popular cosmetic products". This means that all skin types like normal, dry, oily have the potential to be sensitive as well. However, some medical experts argue that drier complexions, which are more prostrate to moisture loss because the skin's natural defense barriers are weaker, are most likely to be sensitive. While rashes, bumps, pimples, dry patches, peeling, swelling and redness are associated with easily disturbed skin, sensitivity is not always in the eye of the observer. Skin may feel tight, itchy, burned, tingly and uncomfortable when no physical changes are probable to the skin.
Sensitive Factors:
Internal and external factors can also cause defect to the sensitive skin. Changes in climate or the environment may defect the skin for some people so they try to spend winters in low-humidity heated rooms, for example - can increase the skin's vulnerability. Even dark-skinned individuals are affected to solar-induced damage from ultraviolet rays. Some of the medicines such as high-estrogen birth-control pills, tetracycline and other antibiotics, and antihypertensive drugs used to control high blood pressure can weaken the skin's ability to withstand familiar ingredients.The skin of allergitic-prone individuals also may exhibit an increased sensitivity during times of other allergic reactions, such as during hayfever season. Drinking too much alcohol or caffeine, not getting enough sleep and poor eating habits all may produce to sensitive-skin syndrome or furtherly makes the skin more worse overly sensitive complexions.
Some of the natural home recipies for your sensitive skin:
Don't overscrub your face or anywhere of the body - overscrubbing can cause your skin to break out.
A tablespoon of cornmeal makes a admirable and exfoliant when you need it, not more than once a week. Use it everywhere, face and all.
Use vinegar again, after each shower or bath, mixed half and half with water, to clean your skin of soap alkalis. This is the best homemade medicine for ever.
For a cleansing skin firmer, spread beaten egg white over your face and lie down until it dries. Rinse with warmish water.
Instead of bath oil, combine 1/2 teaspoon clear shampoo with 1/4 cup of mineral or vegetable oil and wash the hair under running water.
Use natural deodorants, like witch hazel or baking soda. They work just as well, and they're a lot more canny and could even be more better for your skin.
Witch hazel also makes a great aftershave, for guys and gals, too. If you want it should be more smell, use a few drops of essential oil in a pint of witch hazel.
Drink lots of water This is the best natural remedy for the skin . It's what goes on the inside of your skin instead of what goes on the outside of your skin that makes the real difference, and water is the most frugal beauty trick there is.
Mineral oil ,Petroleum jelly, shortening, lard, vegetable oil... they all soften the lips chapped. Use any one of them at night while you sleep. You might want to opt for petroleum jelly or mineral oil in the summer, to avoid attracting wildlife.
And Same thing can be done for your hands also. Wet your hands in warm water, then rub oil or fat of any kind into them. Keep rubbing until most of it has been absorbed. Wipe off excess with a clean cloth. This works great as an overnight treatment, also.
Mix about equal parts of corn meal and honey, in a jar. It's a great scrub - just be gentle with your face and the honey leaves your skin feeling wonderful, not dried out.