What is Tattoo?
A tattoo is an enduring marking made by inserting ink into the layers of skin to change the coloring for decorative or other reasons. Tattoos on humans are a kind of decorative body modification, while tattoos on animals are nearly all normally used for identification or branding.
Tattooing has been practiced wide-reaching. The Ainu, the native people of Japan, customarily wore facial tattoos. At present one can find Berbers of Tamazgha and Maori of New Zealand with facial tattoos. Tattooing was extensive among Polynesian peoples and among some tribal groups in the Philippines, Borneo, Mentawai Islands, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, Japan, Mesoamerica, Cambodia, New Zealand and Micronesia. Despite few taboos nearby tattooing, the art continues to be well-liked in many parts of the world.
The Meaning of Tattoos
The follow of tattoos and tattooing means different crazes in different cultures. In early on years the most ordinary reason for getting tattooed seems be Decoration, which is still the most ordinary reason at present.
In few cultures tattoos where used as a recognition of the wearer's status in a group. This is still made today by nearly all tribes in Africa, Australia and the South Seas. In definite cultures you can't get a tattoo just as you want one. You will have to make it. Boys reaching manhood get one to mark this special time, different styles are applied when men get married and so on. Mokos, Polynesian and Maori facial tattoos, are just applied on Warriors following they did amazing brave and heroic for the tribe.
The ancient romans for instance used to tattoo their slaves and criminals to make out them easier and it was the similar with most of the Jews in WWII. Tahitian tattoos were used to tell the story of the wearer's life time and served as Rites Of Passage.
The tattoo cultures we have currently in the western hemisphere begun with sailors traveling to exotic foreign lands collecting tattoos in all harbor they were stationed. The different motives they were carrying explained the different places they were stationed. A dragon, for example, intended the wearer served on a station in China or Japan. Tattoo parlors started to shoot out of the ground in all port cities around the world.
Origins of Tattoos
Believe it or not however nearly all scientists believes that the origins of tattoos date back to about 3300 B.C. They accept as true that some marks found on the skin of the "?TZI", a mummified body of an iceman found in the Italian alps, were believed tattoos back in his days. If their taking is true, these marks on his body symbolize the first known proof for tattoos in history. All we know for sure up until currently is there are tattoos found on Egyptian and Nubian mummies dating from on 2000 B.C. Classical authors as well mention the use of tattoos in ancient societies like the old Greeks, Germans, Britons, Romans and Gauls.
The tattoos we make out now were discovered by Europeans while exploring North America and the south seas of the Pacific Ocean. Their first contact with cultures like the American Indians and Polynesians as well were the first contact of thus called "civilized" people with tattoos. The word tattoo was first mentioned in James Cook's records from his 1769 trip to the South Seas. The natives of Tahiti, this is Cook's expedition went to, called the marks on their bodies TATTAU which was translated into TATTOO by Cook. Because of their exotic form, tattooed Indians and Polynesians where showcased at circuses and fairs in the 18th and 19th century all over Europe and the US.
Tattoo Removal Methods
There are many different methods for tattoo removal at present. In the late 1980's laser treatments have turn into the most well-liked and it is still the best technique to remove tattoos without any scars. Before laser method was used, one or more of the below explained removal methods had to be used for removal which were frequently painful and scar together with surgeries.
This is a technique where the skin is being "sanded" with a wire brush or diamond fraise, a kind of sanding disc, to remove the surface layer (Epidermis) and as well parts of the Dermis, the layer where the tattoo is imbedded. This method may leave scars.
A salt solution is used to take away the pigment of any scars. It is at times used in conjunction with dermabrasion, however has become less common.
In this technique the area the tattoo was placed is frozen before its removal.
This was the most ordinary method before laser surgery. A dermatologist removes the tattoo with a scalpel and closes the wound over again with stitches. If larger tattoos had been concerned, a skin graft had to be in use from another part of the body to conceal the removed area.
This involves removing the tattoo by means of an acid solution and creating a scar in its place.
Injections with new pigments moreover to form a new sample or cover a tattoo with skin-toned pigments are used to cover up the tattoo. Please note that injected pigments be inclined not to look natural as they lack the skin's natural translucence.
These methods above are still used nowadays in certain cases however laser surgery has become the standard treatment for tattoo removal. Laser treatments give a bloodless, low risk, efficient option with minimal side effects.
Different ways on preventing infection when you get a Tattoo
If you are concerned in wearing a tattoo on your skin, you will require visiting a tattoo artist to have it done. When you are choosing the artist, be sure to choose one who makes safety and hygiene a top right of way, hence you don't risk infection.
Tattoos are created on your body by injecting the ink in your skin. For this reason an electric powered tattoo gun is used and this gun has a needle which is going up and down very quick. Through this needle the ink is injected under the skin all time the needle punctures your skin.
The components of a tattoo machine contains: needle, tube system, electric motor, and the foot pedal. The needle must be sterile so as to prevent infection of the skin. And the pedal is used for controlling the work of work of the tube and the needle. Therefore, if the pedal is pressed the needle is moving up and down and punctures the skin. This is fairly similar to the way a sewing machine with a foot pedal operates.
Sanitary conditions are necessary. Using the same needle on two people has to be strictly avoided. This can reason to spread of infections and diseases like HIV also. For this cause you are advised go to a tattoo artist only if you are definite that the equipment is sterile and materials are throwaway therefore they won't be reused.
Double confirm the materials before it is used to you. The tattoo artist should open it facing your eyes. All of it is sold to them in sterile packaging and it is declared on there it is for single use. The materials that must be used only once are: needles, ink, gloves, and ink cups. In addition, the hands of the artists should be washed prior to touching you or the equipment.
After that, the skin area where the tattoo will be applied should be disinfected. Then, the skin is shaved and then disinfected a second time. The pain of getting a tattoo depends upon your easiness. Moreover the pain is determined by the place of the tattoo and if you have decided to get a tattoo on a sensitive part of the body this can be somewhat painful. And moreover the pain depends upon the knowledge of the artist. If he is more specialized this can mean that you may suffer less.
Later than the tattoo is applied, the area must be disinfected again to avoid an infection in the punctures. And you should be given instructions from the artist on how to concern for the tattoo. The instructions will probable be printed out therefore you can take it home and go after the instructions without forgetting.